Thursday, July 26, 2012

Turkey 16: Aspendos and Antalya

The city of Aspendos harks all the way back to 800 BCE, but it had its golden age in the second and third centuries AD.  This theater was built during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, AD 61-80.

The difference between this and other Roman theaters we've seen is that this one, which seats 15,000, is still actively in use today.

It is true that the restoration didn't please everyone. However, we found it refreshing to see a stage being constructed for an upcoming opera while we were there.

Notice two things, in the photo above.  One is the columns in the upper left.  Secondly, notice what looks like the small shelves on the wall that is behind the stage.

Those are not shelves. Instead they are the tops of niches that used to hold statues.

The columns at the top enclose a covered hallway that allows patrons to walk around the entire top of the complex under cover.

As always, we found enterprising individuals who had come up with creative ways of separating tourists from a bit of their money.  She did purchase the photo they took of them. 

The entrance, with the opera schedule next to it.  Notice the wedged blocks over the door.  That's a form of horizontal arch that I hadn't seen before.

On our way into Antalya, we stopped at the remnants of what used to be an aqueduct the Romans built to carry water into Perge.  I was impressed.

I was even more impressed when I realized we had only seen the bottom portion of a structure that was at one time much higher.  A structure that was also several miles long. Sadly, the late afternoon sun left the only side to which we had access in shadow, but I think you get the idea.

Our hotel that evening was in downtown Analya, and I had a rare opportunity to head out into the streets with my camera.

I found a modern, bustling city full of energy and open for business.

Party dresses are popular here, too.

I took this from our hotel window.  We saw these on rooftops everywhere.  They are solar hot water heaters.

Continue on to Post 17: Mevlana Museum, by clicking here.


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